Well, This Is It, The End of Conspiracy “Theories”.

At some point during the coming minutes, hours, days, weeks or months, save you the years (depending upon how much time you dedicate to learning the truth here at the Goyim Gazette) you will come to know for yourself, and for 110% certain, this is the end of “conspiracy theories”.  One may find a couple of “interesting opinions” here and there, but they are rare indeed, and only by necessity.   At bare minimum, 95% of the information on this site is for certain, Bona-Fide, Defacto Reality.  (ie; The TRUTH.)   Here’s an example;
Only 6% of Americans rate the news media as trustworthy and the net is even worse because of the ridiculous abundance of “Trolls” and “Shills”.  You can’t go anywhere online without running into those hateful, belligerent, deceitful, nonsensical and highly annoying entities.  But what most don’t realize even though it’s right in front of their faces and the only possible explanation, is that the vast majority are government operatives.   Your government is paying workers to spread disinformation, or what’s otherwise known as  p r o p a g a n d a.  
They’ve been officially exposed as spies and dis-informants for the NSA, CIA, MI5/6, KGB, Israeli Mossad and etc. repeatedly around the world and all of those intelligence organizations are on the same team.  Gentiles everywhere have been conditioned to accept them but not identify who they’re really working for.   It is absolutely irrefutable that these special ops groups exist in abundance and that dear reader is an Actual, Real Crime, A Criminal “Conspiracy” that has in fact been committed against YOU.
There is no questioning or “theorizing” required to reach this conclusion, it’s a simple, undeniable fact that various governments around the globe, especially ours, are heavily involved in the disinformation game that everyone has witnessed online.  Now, when you combine this post with the Goyim Gazette (especially #666)  ALL OF YOUR DOUBTS REGARDING THE SATANIC JEWISH CONSPIRACY WILL DISAPPEAR.   But even without that, most can accept the fact that online shills and trolls are government operatives and propagandists.   The people currently in control of your government have been waging a massive propaganda program against us and you’re finally going to be able to fully understand what it’s really all about.  And with that said, we close the file on your first “Conspiracy Theory”,   Congratulations!
Now into the meat of things; All those trolls and shills are the front men in a criminal organization so vast that it blows one’s mind.  But who’s behind it and why?  What’s it really all about and what can you do to get to the bottom of things?  And, will it matter when you do know?  What will little ole you be able to do to stop the massive disinformation ploy being used against you and the whole of humanity?  What could just one normal, everyday person do to stop anything so vast?  Well, you’ll soon find out, and you’re going to feel more empowered than you’ve ever imagined!  It begins with completing your studies here in our short newsletters and easy to read blog posts beginning with this one.  so, here we go! . . . .

Did You Know There’s Only 2 Kinds of People on Earth?

If Not, Prepare Yourself for the Greatest Awakening of Your Life!

First an Excellent Question, “What Are Goyim”?

Now Pay Attention For The Priceless Answer;

99% of earthlings (ie; you) are referred to as Goyim, minim, heathens, useless eaters, gentiles and slaves by satanic “yehudim”.  They’re the ones who own the FED, ALL THE MEDIA and Most of the Net.  They and their traitorous “Shabbos Goyim” run the world. 
According to the satanic yehudim & their “noahide” laws passed by congress in 2004, we goyim are considered cattle whose possessions and even lives can be taken at will by them.

This is a very short but monumental page that explains what’s wrong with the world and how “We the People” are fixing it.  That means there is some gloom, but no doom.   Everything will be ok so long as Americans like YOU care enough to learn about our one and only problem.  This will be unlike anything most have experienced.  Slow Down, Take it All in, Re-read!

A Live Satanic Yehudim Slaughter of a “Goy

Just exactly who are these yehudim?

Yehudim is the hebrew plural for yehuda or judah which is the name of an ancient tribe that corrupt, satanic masons who’ve taken over our country are falsely claiming as their lineage.  Now Masonry is both jewish and satanic which yields us with the foreign but apt term “satanic jews”.  (yes, satanic jews, why do you think jews own Hollywood and all of your favorite music and movies are satanic?  See the connection?)   They are what’s wrong with America and you’ve just stumbled upon the darkest and largest secret the people of this great nation have ever not known.
The blogs on this site and our short, easy to read, single page publications will explain all of that and more.  Within 15 minutes of researching a few passages from the yehudims’ holiest book(s), the Babylonian Talmud  in publication #113 and here in “The Truth About The Talmud”  you will further awaken to the greatest truths of your life.  (Yes, really.  Please do tell us if this isn’t the case!)  
And beware, theirs is a very deep rabbit hole one could spend several lifetimes mapping which is completely by design to throw you off.  That’s why the internet is so full of conspiracy theories, it’s to drown  you in a maze of confusion, they run 99% of the  sites that show up on THEIR search engines.  (They own google, yahoo, bing etc.)  We don’t do many bible quotes but some are too perfect; Corinthians 13.11; When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.   Dear reader, there are no childish things on this site.  Good and Evil are quite real.
You’ve been programmed to think that “Conspiracies” are something fun or interesting but that goes out the window when they’re real crimes being committed against YOU & YOUR LOVED ONES.  Such is the case, this is a matter of life and death and you’ve finally found the truth in a sea of lies that was created by your enemy to overwhelm you.   That’s why we only stick to what you need to know right now and have condensed that into some simple, yet unforgettable single page newsletters.  Everything will begin making sense soon, we are like you and want you to have the truth about Americas’ only problem.
If you’re like most, you’ve felt it your entire life, there is a monster in our midst.  You will soon learn exactly what those currently “in charge” of our republic and world (all the money, the media, our government and our justice systems)  think of you, their Goyim,  and it’s going to be the best, most liberating learning experience you’ve ever had!  It’s time for you to learn what’s really wrong with America and the world and how beautifully simple the solution is.
But first, stop for 1 minute and ask; do you really think anyone who considers you no better than cattle would bother to tell you the truth about anything in THEIR NEWS and MEDIA?
The end to that problem (and some others) begins here…

The Goyim Gazette

Bringing the truth home, one Goyim at a time


Because the world is in dire need of

Truth, Freedom & Justice!

Another Live Satanic Yehudim Slaughter of a “Goy”
The yehudim have been ran out of over 108 countries on earth in large part due to this utterly evil and disgusting practice shown above.  Now it’s our turn, and when we’re done, there will be no more satanic music, movies, games, horrific blood sacrifices or kosher slaughters, nor war, nor taxes, nor usury, nor environmental havoc, nor filthy lies from the media or politicians in our great republic.  It’s Time for Change, Beautiful Change!
It begins now when We The People UniteEducate and Act.  You are now part of it and should be receiving some sort of communication from the jews soon.  (more on that in a minute)  But first a very good question;Why do folks with 500 or thousands friends on Facebook only have a handful of those peoples’ phone numbers and no other way to communicate with each other?  Why don’t we have each others phone numbers and email addresses like we did 10 years ago?  You’ll understand the reason this has happened very soon!

Time to Wake Up Sleepyheads!
Join Us Now at www.unidigi.com
Contact Us by Phone at 866-HelloDC (435-5632)
or email us: info@unidigi.com


You May Freely Post These Highly Informative Images;



We think you’re going to want to use those everywhere you can in your “last posts” on CIA owned Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google+ and etc.  Make sure to get all of your friends email addresses and phone numbers before you get “blocked” by the Yehudim!  Once you’re done being a Facebook Fool you’ll want to use the pic below as your avatar everywhere else that remains free of satanic jew control.

Grab the New Version of Uncle Sam to Use as Your Avatar Everywhere!


In case you’re wondering, “Dregs” are what David Allender named the satanic jew yehudim in his books “The Everything Pages” (Don’t read them, they’ll just scare the shite out of you which he didn’t understand back in 2012)  You’re becoming a “Dreg Hunter”.  Enjoy compatriots!  Here’s a few more of our customized graphics just for fun;




Share this next one with your Christian friends and tell them to join you at Unidigi!
2nd Coming

If you’re a Christian, you’d be wise to take another look at that last one because this is what Jesus would and did do!  He fought the satanic jews tooth and nail, till his death and never had one good thing to say about them.  And for those who aren’t into the bible, just watch how the satanic jews in desperation of being exposed and prosecuted will call you an anti-semite, terrorist, racist, bigot and etc. just as depicted above.  That will be all the proof you’ll ever need to know you’re in the fight of your life against the satanic jews who think they own the world.
Continue the most important education process of your life by reading the other issues of the Goyim Gazette (we’re getting plenty of reviews and they’re very, very good).  Oh, and in regard to “being contacted by the satanic jews” here’s what you need to know;  David Allender, Peggy Star and unknown millions of others have already awakened to the problem you’re learning about and we’ve all received “messages” telling us to quit seeking/spreading these types of truths.  Of course this is because the satanic jewish yehudim really do own ALL of the communications companies as well as our ISPs and Cable/Satellite boxes which do in fact contain mics, they (their computers actually, they’re “AI” or artificial intelligence) spy on our conversations with each other.  Hence they get affirmation when each of us finds out about them like they know you have right now.  (unless you bought the Goyim Gazette DVD for offline viewing of this site and our videos)
If you’re like most, they will now likely try to scare you into submission with a creepy or threatening email, phone call or maybe even a visit if you’re a very special person!  (ie; threat to them)  DON’T BUY IT.  Oh, and if you’re a real “Go Getter” don’t forget demonic visits, bribes, black helicopter fly byes and good ole creepy SUVs with tinted windows!  But if/when you see who’s inside, you’ll likely realize they’re ignorant, fat and cross eyed satanists who can’t and won’t do shite to you.  It’s all just a ploy to intimidate you into submission AND CONSENT.    DO NOT CONSENT.   Always remember, they have trillions of dollars, endless resources and will do anything to stop these truths but cannot hurt you, they’re threats aren’t real.  There is no law against knowing or speaking the truth in America YET!
So, if you’re contacted by them or their AI, don’t sweat it, simply go about your day while working steadfastly on lawfully eradicating them from power.  You’ll be surprised how easy it’s going to be!  And while we’re at it we’ll be reclaiming their ill gotten wealth and ushering in peace on earth.  (yes really)  This is not a game, this is our purpose!  The huge difference between our sites and ALL the others we’ve been able to find so far is that we’re taking action!  Go look at ALL the other supposedly truthful sites out there and note how not a single one of them are building a team or organizing any kind resistance.  Quite the opposite, they tell you not to unite or take action, that’s one sure fire way for you to always figure out who’s who.  No organizing or taking action = propaganda/shills/trolls.  It’s nice and simple and is the reason why we’ve been banned and censored from all the major sites on the net.  We’re taking action against the criminals in our world, it’s time to end all their bullshit.
That’s what’s going on here and so long as your activities remain within the law, they can’t do squat to stop you from retaking your republic and world.  We and all the others who’ve been doing this work for the last few years know all about the fear crap, we’ve all been there but nothing ever happens.  All they can do is try to intimidate you and trick you into cowering in a corner by yourself.  You’re going to learn all about this and more, it WILL BE THE BEST THING YOU’VE EVER EXPERIENCED.  You have the power, not them!  And you can rest assured this is true because if it weren’t, why would we be allowed to keep doing what we’re doing, how would our daily updates keep occurring on this highly truthful site and others like it?  Why wouldn’t the almighty jew controlled CIA or FBI just take us out?  Good questions huh?
Here’s the thing, they really can’t do shit to us, you or anyone YET and that YET part depends on WHAT YOU DO NOW TO STOP THEM.  Everything will be ok so long as you and enough of your fellow Americans act now.  We have this figured out, it’s going to be ok.  Just follow your heart and band together with all of your fellow American “Goyim”.  These satanic yehudim pukes are WAY OUTNUMBERED and they know we’re going to win if you follow your heart, instead of the fears they’ve spent billions and decades instilling in YOU.


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